Credit Cart Locking

CTI has implemented a credit cart locking feature in the Program Planner to prevent participants from modifying their cart after generating certificates. This optional feature ensures the accuracy and integrity of their participation records.

CTI has implemented a credit cart locking feature in the Program Planner to prevent participants from modifying their cart after generating certificates. This optional feature ensures the accuracy and integrity of their participation records.

Configuring Locked Cart Certificates
As an administrator, I need to configure one or multiple certificates to lock the credit cart. The credit cart will only lock if at least one item inside the cart is designated to trigger the locking mechanism when the cart is created. If no certificates within the credit cart are set to initiate the lock when the cart is created, then the cart will remain unlocked.

Step 1: Accessing Configuration
1. Administrators can configure certificates to lock the cart by navigating to cAdmin -> Settings -> Virtual/Hybrid Meeting Applications -> cPlanner -> Attendance/Credits.
2. Toggle the “ON” switch to enable optional enforcement of zero credits when a session has not yet begun, displaying the requirements screen once all prerequisites are met, and printing the header, footer, and certificate together.

3. Administrators also have the option to customize the default warning messages for both locking (cPlanner) and unlocking (cAdmin) the credit cart.

Step 2: Customizing Certificates
1. Click on the “Certificates” tab at the top of Planner (PP8) Settings.
2. Choose the certificate(s) you want to use for locking the credit cart.
3. Add the following code at the end of the HTML:

, “cartlocking”:”yes”}

4. Copy and paste this code into the HTML of one of the certificates under the “Certificate list.” This action will trigger the credit cart warning message for the client.

Optional: Unlocking the Credit Cart
Administrators can unlock the Credit Cart by going to cAdmin -> Onsite -> Certification dashboard and clicking on the dedicated row action “Unlock” next to their name:

Important: Changing the value of “, “cartlocking”:”yes”}” to “yes” for a single certificate will lock all certificates in the cart when that specific certificate is clicked. However, if an admin unlocks any certificate from the cAdmin -> Onsite -> Certification dashboard, all certificates will be simultaneously unlocked.

Program Planner

The following conditions must be met for a session/presentation to appear in the planner:
A session is only searchable if…
Session Status is ‘Active’
The session has a Start Date/Time

A presentation is only searchable if…
Session Status is ‘Active’
The session has a Start Date/Time
The Session Role is slotted into a session
Session Role Status is among: ‘Unable to attend,’ ‘Confirmed,’ or ‘Primary’
Program status is among: ‘Accepted,’ ‘Withdrawn’ — hide withdrawn via configuration
Presentation Times should be entered at the control level (while not strictly required, it’s considered best practice)

Hybrid Meeting TERMS support

To improve meeting planner communication with attendees during the planning, on-site, and post-meeting phases of a conference, cPlanner has been updated to allow Terms within Session and Presentation details pages to replace the date, time, and location with a specified term the customer is using for “on-demand”.

Hybrid meetings create new programming options for meeting planners, with the ability to incorporate on-demand virtual sessions with in-person physical sessions. Last-minute changes in speaker participation could change a previously planned in-person physical session to an on-demand virtual session and vice versa. Hybrid meeting planners have also become more comfortable with the concept of post-meeting on-demand virtual sessions as the standard for previously recorded physical sessions.

To improve meeting planner communication with attendees during the planning, on-site, and post-meeting phases of a conference, cPlanner has been updated to allow Terms within Session and Presentation details pages to replace the date, time, and location with a specified term the customer is using for “on-demand”.

An example of using the new TERMS functionality on cPlanner to display “Hybrid  On-Demand” for appropriate Presentation details and Sessions details pages is as follows:

1. In Settings -> Blocks & Terms, find the System Terms related to the Planner

2. Edit the Meeting Override value for the Term Name “planner-on-demand-label” to “Hybrid On-Demand”

3. Go to Sessions, select all the sessions, and click “Bulk data change.” Select “OnDemand” and verify the change shown below. You can also choose On-Demand “On” for individual sessions

4. Below is the cPlanner Presentation details page with the “Hybrid On-Demand” displayed removing the dates and times

Click to access the login or register cheese