cAPIs Introduction

The cAPI integration points are powerful tools to help customers transfer data to and from CTI applications, customer-owned applications, and third parties. Like many powerful tools, they can also cause damage if used in a way other than intended. cAPI integration points are meant for transferring data and are not intended to provide live production hosting of customer data for other third parties. The current CRM pricing levels established for cAPI are intended only for data transfer use.

The cAPI integration points are powerful tools to help customers transfer data to and from CTI applications, customer-owned applications, and third parties. Like many powerful tools, they can also cause damage if used in a way other than intended. cAPI integration points are meant for transferring data and are not intended to provide live production hosting of customer data for other third parties. The current CRM pricing levels established for cAPI are intended only for data transfer use.


The limits apply to unique endpoints. The client would be able to request the same Presentation 3 times per hour since the PresentationID is included in the GET Presentation endpoint.

Request Limits
The limits are currently set to:
1. CREATES to 100reqs/1min
2. UPDATES to 1req/1min
3. GET to 3req/60min
4. DELETE to 3req/60min

These limits are applied to the complete URL of the endpoint. Ex: can be called with the above-mentioned limits across the different “methods”.

This allows the API developers to pull all Sessions/Presentations 3 times per hour without running into a rate limit. If they try to pull the same Presentation more than 3 times in a single 60-minute period, they will get a 429 – Too Many Requests response.

For this reason, we recommend storing a local cache of the SessionType/ActivityType/Location data (Key and Name) to prevent unnecessary queries of the Program Setup endpoints.

This would allow the API user to pull Program Data as frequently as every 20 minutes without exceeding rate limits.

Author Search Lookup Setup for Submissions

By default, author search lookup is not configured for meetings when adding authors to submission activities because each meeting or association has different authors and people. View the video below to learn how to configure this handy search tool. The search tool saves time from entering each author’s information manually.

By default, author search lookup is not configured for meetings when adding authors to submission activities because each meeting or association has different authors and people.

View the video below to learn how to configure this handy search tool. The search tool saves time from entering each author’s information manually.

Onsite Presentation Management Application: Hardware, Software & Network Requirements

CTI’s Presentation Management application is a scalable, cloud-based SaaS application allowing presenters to upload presentation files via the internet, make final updates and practice in an on-site speaker ready room, and then present from a local computer in a session room. In venues with stable, high bandwidth internet connections the onsite presentation management installation will only require hardware for session room computers and speaker ready room computers. In venues with unstable or insufficient bandwidth internet connections, an on-site caching server is available.

CTI’s Presentation Management application is a scalable, cloud-based SaaS application allowing presenters to upload presentation files via the internet, make final updates and practice in an on-site speaker ready room, and then present from a local computer in a session room.  In venues with stable, high bandwidth internet connections the onsite presentation management installation will only require hardware for session room computers and speaker ready room computers.  In venues with unstable or insufficient bandwidth internet connections, an on-site caching server is available.

The Presentation Management application supports streaming to overflow rooms and streaming to 3rd party content distribution platforms.

The Presentation Management application supports recording of streams to allow content to be edited and re-purposed.  Editing tools are available in the application and 3rd party video editing tools may be used as well.

Please refer to the application Knowledge Base for current Presentation Management documentation, network estimation tools, set-up guides and related API documentation.

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