Advanced Search

The advanced search function on cAdmin dashboards continues to grow, with the previously stated goal of improving administrative efficiency top of mind with each release. As a reminder, the objective of this 5-stage enhancement project is to add selection and filtering capabilities to the advanced search that, when coupled with the “lightning bolt” bulk update capability, will give users efficient new ways to manage standard and extra data.

The advanced search function on cAdmin dashboards continues to grow, with the previously stated goal of improving administrative efficiency top of mind with each release. As a reminder, the objective of this 5-stage enhancement project is to add selection and filtering capabilities to the advanced search that, when coupled with the “lightning bolt” bulk update capability, will give users efficient new ways to manage standard and extra data. 

The current enhancement includes three important updates:
1. Ensuring each field in the dashboards offers the correct type of search for that field. Efficiently managing person, program, workflow, and campaign data require some understanding of the type (text, taxonomy, simple list, date, numeric value, integer) of data needed for the field. For example, a status field should not be of type = date, and a Presentation ID field should not be of type = taxonomy. Initial versions of the cAdmin advanced search functionality didn’t discriminate based on the type of field. All searches were “like” searches, returning rows to the dashboard where the field contained the pattern of whatever the user entered for the fields into advanced search. Previous releases added multi-select options to fields that were created with CTI defined set lists, fields like Program Status, Session Rule Status, Room / location, Embargo, Country. These fields appear with a down-arrow on the right side of the field.

2. As the advanced search project continues, you will see the UI updated to apply new search options for fields, including this weeks release:
– adding support for comma-separated values as search options for CTI defined integer fields such as Control Number, Presentation ID, # of confirmed roles, cSLIDE ID
– adding support for Yes/No, ON/OFF to include the value of “Not yet set”

and future releases to support:
– From/To actions on CTI defined Date fields (see image below)
– Multiselect actions on CTI Date fields
– Boolean actions on CTI defined text fields
– Multiselect actions on CTI represented taxonomy fields
– Support for these advanced search controls on non-CTI defined “extra” fields.

3. Support for comma-separated values in advanced search for integer (and only integer) fields to efficiently filter records. A common user journey when filtering and applying actions starts with a list of identifier values.
Examples include:
– List of control numbers to select within a campaign dashboard in order to send a reminder
– List of Presentation IDs to choose in the Presentation dashboard in order to assign a Virtual Meeting embargo date
– List of Session IDs to select in the Session dashboard in order to enter a 1.5 hour CME value. Advanced search fields marked with the “target” icon as in the pictures below now accept such comma-separated lists – either typed in or pasted in.

The comma-separated values search allows values to be entered in any order, supports values that don’t exist (see Control # 42 in the Presentations dashboard above the Session image), supports duplicates (see Session ID 11 twice in the image above) and has an upper limit of 15,000 values.

As with all advanced searches, a user can combine multiple fields, as in the example below with a specific list of Sessions IDs, limited to sessions that have either 2 or 5 roles, with Session Type Symposia or Oral.

In this release, comma-separated values in advanced search are limited to fields that can only hold integers, such as Control #, Session ID, Presentation ID, etc. There are fields that are used by some meetings to hold only integers values, but which within the CTI application can contain alphanumeric values (such as Session Number, in the image above). These fields will not contain the “target” icon and will still operate as they have in the past, where records displayed are those that are “like/contain” the value in the advanced search field.

Also, note that with the release, fields with the “target” icon will cease functioning as “like/contain” matches and now only return records with exact matches. For example, if an administrator types in “30, 65” for the Session IDs, only those two sessions will appear in the search results. Session IDs that are “like” matches, such as 130, 301, 302, 165, 651 will not be returned (see below).

4. Support for “flag” fields (True/False, ON/OFF) in advanced search to include an option for “value not yet set”.

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