Advanced Search updates

Efficient management of data within the CTI tools is a key strength of CTI’s and a market problem that all CTI customers share. Recent changes in bulk data changes allow customers and staff to efficiently make changes to data as a program evolves – and to react to changing hybrid/virtual needs as the pandemic waxes and wanes. To make the most use of the bulk data actions, advanced search functionality is being improved.

Efficient management of data within the CTI tools is a key strength of CTI’s and a market problem that all CTI customers share. Recent changes in bulk data changes allow customers and staff to efficiently make changes to data as a program evolves – and to react to changing hybrid/virtual needs as the pandemic waxes and wanes. To make the most use of the bulk data actions, advanced search functionality is being improved. Before, advanced search allowed you to choose a single term in each advanced search list (e.g., Activity type: Abstract) shown below:

This new update (pictured below) allows an admin to apply a bulk action to a more precise selection. To do this, an admin can search for multiple items in the same data set (e.g., Activity type: Chair, Group Co-Chair, Late-Breaking Submitted Abstracts, Non-Role). An admin could also select multiple items in several data sets to narrow the search further. At that point, an admin could then apply a bulk change to multiple or all the items from the search list. Several Advanced Search changes will be implemented over the following months, including from <-> to date ranges and numeric ranges. We will continue to keep you updated as future changes roll out.

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